Human Trafficking Business Training
Survive and Thrive Advocacy Center’s (STAC) mission is to disrupt child, sex and labor trafficking. This training EMPOWERS workplaces and employees with greater knowledge about how to PREVENT, RECOGNIZE and RESPOND to proactively end human trafficking in Leon County. Demonstrate your commitment to supporting survivors and to our community by participating in our
Free Training Certification Program!
Workplaces Can Help End Sex and Labor Trafficking
in Our Community
What are the risks if Leon County businesses ignore human trafficking?
Safety: Trafficking in the workplace is a threat to the general public as well as employees and staff
Legal: Workplaces can be criminally and civilly liable if they benefitted from sex or labor trafficking
Financial: Discovery of trafficking in the workplace directly hurts the bottom line
Reputation: Trafficking in the workplace poses a serious threat to a company's brand and public image

Please note: If you are in danger, please call 911 or the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-3737-888. You can also text “HELP” or “INFO” to 233733. The hotline operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
What can your business do to prevent human trafficking?
The Leon County Commission determined a need for all Tallahassee workplaces to know how to identify human trafficking and how to take action to help survivors and hold traffickers accountable. This training is specifically tailored to the Leon County community – Leon County’s workplaces have a unique and important role to stop, prevent and respond to human trafficking.
The goal of this free, on-demand training is to help the thousands of workplaces in our area know what to look for so they can see the signs of human trafficking and take action. This training will be useful to all workplaces: hotels, restaurants, the financial sector, retail outlets, offices, profit and non-profit sectors alike, and many more.
STACPRO is a Survive and Thrive Advocacy Center (STAC) training program funded by Leon County and the City of Tallahassee.
What Community Leaders Are Saying About STACPRO

Past Chair, Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce